Thursday, March 15, 2012

"Listening to Your Clients"

The one trait that separates an "ok" photographer from a really great artist is the ability to listen to your clients and flesh out what their desires truly are.  Some clients are more challenging in this respect than others.  A perfect example is Turkelson who came to me for a studio session on Wednesday.

We started the session with a lengthy discussion of the precise persona Mr. Turk wanted to portray.....

Then after several attempts at hair and make up along with some lighting adjustments, we achieved the perfect portrait.

I really enjoy spending time with my clients, getting to know them, and being able to deliver the perrrr-fect portrait to grace their walls.

Many thanks to Mitch Eckler,  Apex Photograhy for his assistance on the set.

Stay tuned for some helpful hints on photographing your own family and pets!  We will be starting a second session of digital photography classes in the Hudson Valley in May.

1 comment:

Bill said...

Wow - I have this exact cat.